Free Astronomy Magazine November-December 2021
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2021 a mass-endowed body to reach or, worse, exceed the speed of light, it would mean that Einstein’s equa- tions failed to explain or predict those phenomena and that the the- ory itself was fundamentally flawed. Even assuming that with an unlim- ited amount of energy a spaceship could travel at a speed close to the speed of light, the passage of time aboard the spaceship and on the mother planet would be so differ- ent that a journey of 10 Earth-years for the crew would correspond to tens of thousands of Earth-years for their fellows remaining at home. What would the crew find upon their return? But let’s get back to the UFO episodes now. In the fifth (fourth for production), “Survival”, a flying saucer takes advantage of a dis- turbance to SHADO’s surveillance equipment to land near Moonbase. An alien descends onto the surface and shoots a base porthole, causing the decompression of an environ-
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