Free Astronomy Magazine November-December 2021

serve as a launch pad for intercep- tors similar to military aircraft. All lines of defense are activated by a radar satellite in Earth orbit, called the Space Intruder Detector (SID), which constantly scans the inner solar system, up to distances of a few tens of millions of kilometers, looking for intruders. The aliens, for their part, only attack with a single type of flying saucer equipped with laser weapons and a hypnotic light, and when they are face-to-face with earthlings they use conventional weapons similar to submachine guns. first alien incursions. SHADO has multiple levels of defense, among which the most spectacular is Moon- base, an outpost that often serves as a front line against attacks from alien-piloted flying saucers. The command of Moonbase is entrusted to Lieutenant Gay Ellis (played by actress Gabrielle Drake), who coor- dinates the means of defense: three interceptors equipped with a huge bomb and some self-propelled rocket launchers. On Earth, other lines of defense include surface ar- mored vehicles, the SHADO Mobiles, and the SkyDivers submarines, which