Free Astronomy Magazine November-December 2019
25 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2019 ASTROBIOLOGY We prefer here to take the science beyond the atmosphere − where almost everyone in ufology usually stops − to see if it is reasonable to believe that even a small number of the reported UAPs are a product of extraterres- trial visitors. To do this seriously, we must start from two fundamen- tal, hardly question- able assumptions: 1) in the Milky Way, there are probably hundreds of billions of planets, and it is, therefore, likely that life appeared on some of them as well as on Earth; 2) the repeated experimen- tal validations of Einsteinian Relativity con- firm that the speed of light is an insur- mountable limit, this because the energy necessary to accelerate a mass grows expo- nentially with speed, becoming infinite (therefore greater than that of the whole Universe) at the speed of light. This second assumption seems to us rather solid given the state of modern physics, but obviously those who think differently can support their alternative theories at the ap- propriate locations. Given that the speed of light cannot be over- come by any technological civilization re- gardless of its location, let us try to evaluate the probability that aliens will visit us, appar- OF COURSE, THESE DAYS, IT ’ S A LOT EASIER TO ABDUCT THE HUMANS IN LARGE GROUPS I COME FROM ... URANUS ! ...YOU WON ’ T BELIEVE THE COSMOLOGY THEY ’ VE COME UP WITH !
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