Free Astronomy Magazine September-October 2023
27 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2023 ASTRO PUBLISHING and part of the ALMA project com- mented, “The extensive catalog of stellar seeds generated through this study serves as a vital cornerstone for enhancing our comprehension of high-mass star formation and re- fining existing models in this field.” ALMA’s instrumental role in this his- toric discovery brings the scientific community a leap closer to under- standing the mysterious birth of high-mass stars. By uncovering the seeds of these cosmic giants, we edge ever closer to comprehending the creation of elements and the complexity of the universe. D ust emission map for thirty- nine targets. [ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), K. Morii et al.] A n artist’s view on the internal structure of an infrared dark cloud revealed by ALMA. The raw material for star for- mation consists of gas and dust. Here, the dens- est regions are repre- sented in white and lower densities in blueish colors. Some protostars just formed eject gas in outflows, represented by the pink color. [ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), K. Morii et al.] !
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