Free Astronomy Magazine September-October 2023

12 and answer questions they once could never dream of,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Webb is an investment in American innova- tion but also a scientific feat made possible with NASA’s international partners that share a can-do spirit to push the boundaries of what is known to be possible. Thousands of engineers, scientists, and leaders poured their life’s passion into this mission, and their efforts will con- tinue to improve our understanding of the origins of the universe – and our place in it.” The new Webb image features the nearest star-forming region to us. Its proximity at 390 light-years allows for a highly detailed close-up, with no foreground stars in the interven- F rom our cosmic backyard in the solar system to distant galaxies near the dawn of time, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has de- livered on its promise of revealing the universe like never before in its first year of science operations. To celebrate the completion of a suc- cessful first year, NASA has released Webb’s image of a small star-form- ing region in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. “In just one year, the James Webb Space Telescope has transformed hu- manity’s view of the cosmos, peering into dust clouds and seeing light from faraway corners of the universe for the very first time. Every new image is a new discovery, empower- ing scientists around the globe to ask Webb celebrates first year of science with Rho Ophiuchi by NASA/ESA/CSA Leah Ramsay Christine Pulliam