Free Astronomy Magazine September-October 2020

35 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2020 ASTROBIOLOGY ways been characterized and conditioned by an underlying anthropocentrism. Not sur- prisingly, the location of hypothetical alien civilizations in space and the solutions by which they could choose to communicate with us have curiously changed with the progress of our own scientific and techno- logical knowledge. Despite this, no alien sig- nals have ever been recorded in the 60 years since Drake's pioneering research, not even T au Ceti and Epsilon Eri- dani were the main targets of Frank Drake’s Project Ozma. At that time, no ex- trasolar planets were known. We now know that both stars have a planetary system. [Palomar Obser- vatory] Here on the side, Green Bank’s Howard Tatel Radio Telescope, the instrument used for the Project Ozma. [NRAO]