Free Astronomy Magazine September-October 2020
20 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2020 SPACE CHRONICLES neutron star known to date. Ever since astronomers witnessed one of the brightest explosions of a star in the night sky, creating SN 1987A, they have been searching for a com- pact object that should have formed in the leftovers from the blast. Be- cause particles known as neutrinos were detected on Earth on the day of the explosion (23 February 1987), astronomers expected that a neu- tron star had formed in the col- ALMA finds possible sign of neutron star in SN 1987A by ALMA Observatory T wo teams of astronomers have made a compelling case in the 33-year-old mystery surround- ing Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A). Based on observations of the Ata- cama Large Millimeter/submillime- ter Array (ALMA) and a theoretical follow-up study, the scientists pro- vide new insight for the argument that a neutron star is hiding deep in- side the remains of the exploded star. This would be the youngest
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