l'Astrofilo settembre-ottobre 2018
27 SETTEMBRE-OTTOBRE 2018 PLANETOLOGIA typically created toward the outer regions of the icy mantle, where most of the impac- tor ice is deposited.” […] “Our simulations are showing a thermal boundary layer that might suppress convection and provide a blanket to contain the heat in the central ASTROFILO l’ quanto dicono gli autori dello studio nell’ar- ticolo scientifico apparso su ApJ: “This layer of impactor ice could also be a compositio- nal boundary if the icy material is not iden- tical to that in the proto-Uranus.” […] “Sub-adiabatic temperature gradients are U na sintesi del- la collisione in due fasi subita da Urano, con indicazione dei tempi. [ApJ, J. Kegerreis et al.]
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