Free Astronomy Magazine July-August 2019

39 JULY-AUGUST 2019 SPACE CHRONICLES possess orbiting stellar companions it has been un- clear how this comes about – for example, are the stars born together from a com- mon spiraling gas disk at the center of a collapsing cloud, or do they pair up later by chance encounters in a crowded star cluster. Understanding the dynam- ics of forming binaries has been difficult because the protostars in these systems are still enveloped in a thick cloud of gas and dust that prevents most light from escaping. Fortunately, it is possible to see them using radio waves, as long as they can be im- aged with sufficiently high spatial resolution. In the current research, published in Nature As- tronomy , the researchers led by Yichen Zhang of the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneer- ing Research and Jonathan C. Tan at the Chalmers Uni- versity, and the University of Virginia, used ALMAto observe, at high spatial resolution, a star-forming region known as IRAS07299-1651, which is located 1.68 kiloparsecs, or about 5,500 light years, away. The observations showed that al- ready at this early stage, the cloud contains two objects, a massive “pri- mary” central star and another “sec- ondary” forming star, also of high mass. For the first time, the research team was able to use these observa- tions to deduce the dynamics of the system. The observations showed that the two forming stars are separated by a distance of about 180 astronomi- cal units — a unit approximately the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Hence, they are quite far apart. They are currently orbiting each other with a period of at most 600 years and have a total mass at least 18 times that of our Sun. According to Zhang, “This is an ex- citing finding because we have long been perplexed by the question of whether stars form into binaries during the initial collapse of the star-forming cloud or whether they are created during later stages. Our observations clearly show that the division into binary stars takes place early on, while they are still in their infancy.” Another finding of the study was that the binary stars are being nurtured from a common disk fed by the collapsing cloud and favoring a scenario in which the sec- ondary star of the binary formed as a result of fragmentation of the disk originally around the primary. This allows the initially smaller sec- ondary protostar to “steal” infalling matter from its sibling and eventu- ally they should emerge as quite similar “twins”. Tan adds, “This is an important result for understanding the birth of massive stars. Such stars are important throughout the uni- verse, not least for producing, at the ends of their lives, the heavy el- ements that make up our Earth and are in our bodies.” Zhang concludes, “What is impor- tant now is to look at other exam- ples to see whether this is a unique situation or something that is com- mon for the birth of all massive stars.” ! M ovie composed of images taken by ALMA showing the gas streams, as traced by the methanol molecule, with different line-of-sight color-coded velocities, around the massive binary protostar system. The grey background image shows the overall distribu- tion, from all velocities, of dust emission from the dense gas streams.