Free Astronomy Magazine July-August 2019

JULY-AUGUST 2019 Until then, to be certified, both the site and the approach from the east had to be documented in high resolution. The Hadley-Apennine area was photographed by a Lunar Orbiter only as a site of scientific interest, with a just-acceptable res- olution of about 20 meters. How- ever, it was the topography itself bordering Hadley-Apennine that made the area so appealing to sci- entists. The availability of a rille on a sea that had flooded a valley near a mountain range on the outskirts of Mare Imbrium made Apollo 15 A POLLO 16 − Panoramic view of the Apollo 16 landing site. A high-resolution version of this image is available at [NASA, Project Apollo Archive; image merging by Astro Publishing]