Free Astronomy Magazine July-August 2018

37 JULY-AUGUST 2018 SPACE CHRONICLES fine detail — the star clus- ters — while also show- ing the connection to the larger structures, we are trying to identify the physical parameters un- derlying this ordering of stellar populations within galaxies. Getting the fi- nal link between gas and star formation is key for understanding galaxy evolution.” Team member Linda Smith of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Space Telescope Science Insti- tute, added: “We’re looking at the effects of the environment, partic- ularly with star clusters, and how their survival is linked to the envi- ronment around them.” The LEGUS survey will also help as- tronomers interpret views of galax- ies in the distant universe, where the ultraviolet glow from young stars is stretched to infrared wavelengths due to the expansion of space. “The data in the star and cluster catalogs of these nearby galaxies will help pave the way for what we see with NASA’s upcoming infrared observa- tory, the James Webb Space Tele- scope, developed in partnership with ESA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA),” Sabbi said. Webb observations would be com- plementary to the LEGUS views. The space observatory will penetrate dusty stellar cocoons to reveal the infrared glow of infant stars, which cannot be seen in visible- and ultra- violet-light images. “Webb will be able to see how star formation propagates over a galaxy,” Sabbi continued. “If you have informa- tion on the gas properties, you can really connect the points and see where, when, and how star forma- tion happens.” NGC 6744 [NASA, ESA, and the LEGUS team] !