Free Astronomy Magazine May-June 2023

5 MAY-JUNE 2023 ASTRO PUBLISHING S ometimes, discoveries that deal with astronomy are so full of twists and turns that they re- semble the plot to a novel. The most recent example we know of is that of a group of craters of meteoric origin found in the department (a term used here to define a governmental region) of Hérault in the south of France, more precisely in the territo- ries of the municipalities of Faugères and Cabrerolles. The story revolves around a winery called, not by chance, “Domaine du Météore” (Me- teor Domain), located just south of the small town of Cabrerolles. The name was ascribed following a series of scientific studies undertaken on the site starting at the end of the 1940s, whose pioneers were the two important French geologists Bernard Gèze and André Cailleux. By exam- ining aerial photographs of the Hérault territories with the stereo- scopic method (which makes the im- ages three-dimensional), the two scientists noticed surface structures