Free Astronomy Magazine May-June 2022

MAY-JUNE 2022 Nothing but silence from the galactic center by Michele Ferrara revised by Damian G. Allis NASA Solar System Ambassador cal Journal a new report of their low-frequency radio observations in the search for alien technosig- natures, signals that can only be produced through non-terrestrial technologies. The target of this umpteenth SETI attempt was the re- gion of the galactic center, more precisely a 200-square-degree wide area of sky centered on Sagittarius A*, the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole. The intentions of the small team were certainly the best, but there were all of the right con- ditions to obtain, once again, incon- clusive results. C henoa Tremblay (Common- wealth Scientific and Indus- trial Research Organization) and two of her collaborators re- cently published in The Astrophysi-