Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2024
11 MARCH-APRIL 2024 ASTRO PUBLISHING the contributions of Camille Flam- marion, Giovanni Virginio Schiapar- elli, Percival Lowell and other sci- entists contributed not only to dis- seminating the themes of extrater- restrial life to the public, but also to giving a boost to science fiction liter- ature. And so we reach the middle of the twentieth century, when a ques- tion asked by Enrico Fermi to some colleagues turns into the famous par- adox that bears his name: “If the uni- verse is teeming with aliens, where is everybody?” From the 1950s to today, thinkers from the most varied fields of human knowledge have given dozens of reasonable answers to that question, and some of them entail the disturbing consequence that aliens would be aware of our ex- istence, due to unnatural features recognizable on the surface of our planet. An example could be the con- tinental areas of the nocturnal hemi- sphere, where artificial lighting frames out coastlines and other major population centers alike. This type of technosignature, however, would be visible to aliens located at a distance from Earth of no more than 100 light years (or probably fewer). The same limit applies to radio waves. Considering that in the Thomas Aquinas Henry of Ghent Richard of Middleton Nicolaus Copernicus Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei
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