Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020

47 MARCH-APRIL 2020 OUR EXPERIENCES sued idea, and responses. The dis- semination of knowledge has never been more extensive, but, at the same time, it has never been as equally complicated. For all these reasons, the same is- sues we highlighted above happen to many amateur astronomers: they are overwhelmed by information and unable to find reliable and quality sources. This means that, sooner or later, they will turn to spe- cialized sources to find out more about a topic. Although it is true that, since the advent of the Inter- net, paper astronomy magazines have become increasingly rare on newsstands, the same is not true of online publications, which have in- creased in recent years: magazines, articles on specialized websites, and even blogs have all ousted some of the print publications. In our coun- try, for example, several years ago, more astronomy magazines were available − now only one survives. We imagine that there will always be some who prefer the paper ver- sion. Still, it is a fact that, as the dig- ital world has imposed itself, pub- lications, like associations, must adapt to the new times. More than anything else, this is because the new generations that arrive are im- mersed in a digital society as never seen before in any era. We still remember the day when, after a meeting of the Astronomical Society of Granada at the Faculty of Sciences, we decided to try the latest planetary observation technology, a webcam. In the gardens of this fac- ulty, we placed a small telescope, to which we joined the camera con- nected to a laptop. The celestial ob- ject chosen was Saturn, which was high in the sky. After centering the object with some difficulty and fo- cusing, there it was. We were all speechless for what we saw, a huge planetary disc (at least by the stan- dards we were used to) surrounded The era of technology