Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020
40 MARCH-APRIL 2020 OUR EXPERIENCES the associates to send us their best pictures taken that year. Afterwards, our most experi- enced astrophotographers made a selection to choose the 13 final images that will appear on our calendar the following year. The healthy competition between us has improved the quality of our photos. We try to host all types of astronomical images, not only those made with the CCD at the telescope. We also include photographs of large fields, planets and night I n the video above and in the photo to the side, the launch of water rockets. landscapes, and even those made with cell phones. Every year, it is more difficult for each photo to be selected, since, al- though our group is not very nu- merous, we are fortunate to have astrophotographers who have already published images in specialized magazines, both Spanish and international. As an astronomical group, we also carry out public activities on scheduled dates, such as on Au- gust 13th or close-by days to ob- serve the Perseid meteor shower, or on the equinoxes, both in spring and autumn, where we observe the sunset from a special location close to our city, where there is a particular alignment be- tween the Sun and a castle only on those days. We do not miss the opportunity to take photos of that particular landscape, nor do we let the eclipses escape, both of the Sun and the Moon, that we observe and photograph. We then collaborate with public and private institutions, such as the municipalities of our city and neighboring cities. A company devoted to the trade of organic
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