Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020
39 MARCH-APRIL 2020 L earning to differentiate between weight and mass at the Feria de la Ciencia. J oaquín Barroso explaining the movements of the Earth and the Moon with a tellurium at the Feria de la Ciencia. Another idea that we had a few years ago, which unexpectedly managed to interest the members of the group and made perfect their photographic techniques, was the creation of a large format cal- endar, in which we included the best astronomical images taken by us. At the end of the year, we ask and “first contacts” in this hobby with an initiation course, through learning more specific aspects, such as astrophysics or astrophotogra- phy. Attendance at these courses is currently low, but we see an in- crease year after year. Our workhorse, as in many of the activities we carry out, is to make the right advertising and direct it to the most appropriate audience so that more people participate.
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