Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020
MARCH-APRIL 2020 An annual event in which we work to spread astronomy among the youngest is our participation in the “Feria de la Ciencia en la Calle.” Or- ganized by the Centro de Profe- sores de Enseñanza Secundaria, the idea is that the students themselves explain scientific experiments to their classmates from other schools. Although almost all participants are schools, companies, awareness cen- ters, and associations (as in our case) are present. Every year, by spring, we have to devise an exper- iment that can be performed on the road and that allows us to explain something related to astronomy or astrophysics. In the three or four days of the fair, over a thousand students eager to learn more about astronomy pass through our stand. Another activity we carry out every year are courses in astronomy, as- trophysics, and night and astro- nomical photography. In these courses, we have a double task. On the one hand, we attract an audience who wants to expand its astronomy knowledge more se- riously, and on the other hand, we take this opportunity to train our associates. We cover from novices J ose Luis Espí is taking the “Curso de Iniciación a la Astronomía” in 2018. of the most requested by the teach- ers who contact us, is the launch of water rockets. It is a very complete experience, since there is the first part of manual work and group collaboration, in which the work- ing groups build the rockets with empty plastic bottles, cardboard, scissors and adhesive tape, and a second part outside the classroom, where we launch their rockets, thanks to a launching platform cre- ated by us and an air compressor.
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