Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020

35 OUR EXPERIENCES T he society of the 21 st century changes at a dizzying rate in many ways, including its needs, concerns and fears. The customs of in- dividuals, their habits, their training and their relationships with peers do not resemble those of twenty or thirty years ago. Science is continually evolv- ing, and if you want to be aware of the changes, you have to update yourself continuously. My vocation as a popu- larizer created a need that stimulated me to keep up-to-date in my fields of astronomy and astrophysics. To explain some complicated concepts to ordinary people, you have to master what you are talking about and you must know how to invite people to listen to you before they see you as a chatterer who is saying annoying things. During my stay at university, I had my first expe- riences as a popularizer, but I recognize that those beginnings were more com- fortable. I talked to college students and people related to that world, which favored communication. on P ortrait of the Agrupación Astronó- mica Magallanes in a night sky ob- servation session.