Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020
MARCH-APRIL 2020 each of the two areas described above, joined the Declaración de la Palma and opted for a strong stance against this type of light pollution, and as well as for sustainable eco- nomic development policies aimed at reducing the emission of light to- wards the heavens. Since the association was founded as a “youth association”, and we of the Iberus-Hubble consortium and the completion of certification work such as Reserva y Destino turís- tico Starlight de la Sierra Sur de Jaén y Sierra Morena (España). The esti- mates analyses were made by the Foundation’s technicians, and the involvement of the local administra- tions was achieved, since all the mu- nicipalities, without exception in environmental groups in the field of the environment proposed to the administrations and development associations of the territory how to combat this terrible problem, by way of the certifications offered by the Fundación Starlight, an associa- tion of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. This initiative culmi- nated in 2013, with the formation
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