Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2020

21 MARCH-APRIL 2020 OUR EXPERIENCES I mage of the Xauen-1A probe on the ground a few days before the launch. tional way, and adapt it to the public, to whom the ac- tivities are addressed. If the communicator does not achieve such a connec- tion, then there will be no in- terest from the public − even if the listeners are interested momentarily, their attention will be inconstant. One of the first areas that the association worked to popularize was that of ama- teur weather observations. We currently hold the posi- tion of secretary within the Sociedad de Observadores de Cometas Y Meteoros de España (SOMYCE), repre- senting the International Meteor Organization in Spain. The study of meteors is a very practical route for getting closer to astron- omy since, with a suitable methodol- ogy, it is possible to obtain valuable, scientifically useful data. Further- organize public observations of the Perseids. Since 2004, the association has managed the www.asocia- website. It highlights what have been the most visited Spanish astronomy forums on the web for many years, with over 10k users and a documentary database of with over 50k dis- cussions. The database has over 50 GB of information. Due to the technological “fashion”, we subsequently started to be added our presence to in social networks such as Facebook ( AsociacionHubble/) and Insta- gram, where we “landed” just a few months ago. Our goal is to give more visibil- ity to our activities and high- light the scientific milestones of every moment. O ne of the many public events organized by the Asociación Astronómica Hubble. more, it is an activity that, thanks to its extraordinary beauty, helps to arouse interest in science in general and astronomy in particular. As part of this type of activity, in the years when the moon phases allow it, we