Free Astronomy Magazine March-April 2019

T his scene from the Opportunity’s Pancam looks back towards part of the west rim of Endeavour Crater. The high point on the rim in the left half of the scene is the southern end of Murray Ridge. Tracks from drives from mid-July 2014 are faintly visible near there, and tracks from subsequent drives advance to the foreground. The most distant visible tracks are from nearly half a mile (more than 700 me- ters). This version of the image is pre- sented in false-color, which enhances visibility of the wheel tracks. [NASA/JPL-Cal- tech/Cornell Univ./Ari- zona State Univ.] I ntrepid Crater on Mars carries the name of the lunar module of NASA’s Apollo 12 mission, which landed on the Moon Nov. 19, 1969. Opportunity recorded this view of the crater during the 2,417th sol of the rover’s work on Mars (Nov. 11, 2010). This view is presented in approximately true-color, combining exposures taken by Opportunity’s Pancam through three filters admitting wave- lengths of 601 nanometers, 535 nanometers and 482 nanometers. Intrepid Crater is about 66 feet (20 meters) in diameter. [NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell University] !