Free Astronomy Magazine January-February 2025 ARABIC VERSION
Forastellar2025,don’tmissoutonthe neweditionoftheESOCalendar.Withits stunningimagesofastronomicalobjects andlandscapesfromourobservatoriesin theChileanAndes,it'stheperfectitem for any space lover! Thecalendarmeasures48x36cm.Itis delivered in a cardboard box. TheESOCalendarisoneofourtop-selling items. As it runs out fast, we suggest ensuring your copy now. Cover image: A full moon rises up from behind Cerro Armazones, the perch of ESO’sExtremelyLargeTelescope(ELT) in the Chilean Atacama Desert, where constructionofthetelescopeisunderway. When completed, the whole structure will rotate 360 degrees to observe the night sky, all while weighing 6100 tonnes. Credit:J.Beltrán/ESO
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