Free Astronomy Magazine January-February 2024

49 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2024 ASTRO PUBLISHING leased in 2005 from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope: In Webb’s infrared observation, a crisp, cage-like struc- ture of fluffy gaseous filaments are shown in red-orange. However, in the central regions, emission from dust grains (yellow-white and green) is mapped out by Webb for the first time. Additional aspects of the inner workings of the Crab Neb- ula become more prominent and are seen in greater detail in the in- frared light captured by Webb. In particular, Webb highlights what is known as synchrotron radiation: emission produced from charged particles, like electrons, moving around magnetic field lines at rela- tivistic speeds. The radiation ap- pears here as milky smoke-like ma- terial throughout the majority of the Crab Nebula’s interior. This feature is a product of the neb- ula’s pulsar, a rapidly rotating neu- tron star. The pulsar’s strong mag- netic field accelerates particles to extremely high speeds and causes them to emit radiation as they wind around magnetic field lines. Though emitted across the electromagnetic N ASA’s James Webb Space Tele- scope has gazed at the Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant located 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. Since the recording of this energetic event in 1054 CE by 11 th -century as- tronomers, the Crab Nebula has continued to draw attention and additional study as scientists seek to understand the conditions, behav- ior, and after-effects of supernovae through thorough study of the Crab, a relatively nearby example. Using Webb’s NIRCam (Near-In- frared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-In- frared Instrument), a team led by Tea Temim at Princeton University is searching for answers about the Crab Nebula’s origins. “Webb’s sensitivity and spatial reso- lution allow us to accurately deter- mine the composition of the ejected material, particularly the content of iron and nickel, which may reveal what type of explosion produced the Crab Nebula,” explained Temim. At first glance, the general shape of the supernova remnant is similar to the optical wavelength image re- The Crab Nebula seen in new light by Webb by NASA/ESA/CSA Abigail Major & Christine Pulliam [NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Tea Temim (Princeton University)]