Free Astronomy Magazine January-February 2024

19 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2024 cessible to everyone for free on the Steam video game platform on vari- ous operating systems: /2601120/Protoplanet_Express/ “The game very well fulfills the role of entertaining as well as educating about what protoplanetary disks are and their different characteristics,” says Camilo Saldías, software engi- neer at ALMA, who attended the launch on behalf of his institution. “It is interesting to observe how the knowledge generated by the observatory not only ends in scien- tific discoveries but also in formats that are easier to access for the public, like this game,” adds Saldías. We invite you to im- merse yourself in “ProtoPlanet Express” and experience the excitement of discov- ering protoplanetary systems hundreds of light-years from Earth. Learn and have fun with this cosmic ad- venture that unites science and entertain- ment! ries, providing a close and realistic view of these fascinating systems where new planets form. These sim- ulations are the result of the work of the NPF team together with interna- tional collaborators. The video game was developed by engineering students from the Fed- erico Santa María Technical Univer- sity and the Adolfo Ibáñez University and has already been used by boys, girls, and adolescents at science fairs in Chile and Germany. It is now ac- !