Free Astronomy Magazine January-February 2020

JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 by ESO E SO has signed a contract with SENER Aerospacial for the de- sign and production of the sup- ment. This complex mechanism has critical performances in terms of ac- curacy to ensure the stability of the flat elliptical mirror M5. The contract was signed on 29 No- vember 2019 at ESO’s headquarters in Garching bei München in Ger- many by ESO’s Director General Xavier Barcons and the General Di- Contract signed for ELT’s mirror M5 cell structure port cell for the M5 mirror of the Ex- tremely Large Telescope (ELT). SENER Aeroespacial will carry out the de- sign, construction and verification of the cell for the M5 mirror, as well as its control system and auxiliary equip-