Free Astronomy Magazine January-February 2018

37 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2018 SPACE CHRONICLES T he QinetiQ-designed and Airbus-owned Zephyr-7 solar-powered unmanned aircraft holds the world flight endurance record, having remained aloft from 9 July to 23 July 2010 for a total of 336 hours, 22 minutes and 8 seconds – up- wards of 14 days. The design is part of the Airbus High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite programme, with a larger double-tailed Zephyr-T variant under construction. [Airbus] T hales Alenia Space’s Stratobus airship can carry up to 250 kg of payload; its electric engines flying against the breeze to hold itself in position, and rely- ing on fuel cells at night. Its first flight is projected for 2021. [Thales Alenia Space/Briot] European companies have already unveiled product lines. For instance, Airbus has developed the winged, solar-powered Zephyr, which in 2010 achieved a world record 14 days of continuous flight without refuelling. Zephyr-S is designed to fly payloads of a few tens of kilograms for up to three months at a time, with sec- ondary batteries employed to keep it powered and aloft overnight. A larger Zephyr-T version in prepara- tion will support larger payloads and power needs. Thales Alenia Space is meanwhile preparing the lighter-than-air Stra- tobus, with its first flight expected in 2021. The buoyant Stratobus airship can carry up to 250 kg; its electric en- gines flying against the breeze to hold itself in position, relying on fuel cells at night. satnav coverage into high, narrow valleys and cities.” They could also be employed semi- permanently, perhaps extending !